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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) fishing is the best medication! (Read 19299 times)
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #15 - 12/27/03 at 22:34:06
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Glad to see you are getting some relief. If there is anything we can do just let us know.

Jim & Sherry
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #16 - 12/29/03 at 07:26:42
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Still laying down every 10 min. or so, but what a mind blowing relief of pain.....still looking for back seats.
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #17 - 12/31/03 at 20:55:05
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Well I got myself out yesterday on Meridian. fished long, fished hard and only a 9 pounder to show for it.
   All in all it took my about 25 min to catch her (and the fight wasn't over from there) but sad to say she left a bloody mess all over my clothes and boat.
   I found this Canadian goose that had this badly broken and bleeding wing. so I caught her and got her into the boat to where I thought two things.....supper? or fix it? So in my boat I did an emergency wing amputation. I tell ya, I didn't really realize how little stuff I had in my boat when it came to emergencies.
   Maybe you should evaluate whats in your boat.
So if you evey get hurt at a club function, I'll think two things...supper?  or you better call for Larry! Kiss
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Larry S.
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #18 - 01/01/04 at 01:38:25
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Funny I never saw you as a WING man...with them shorts I was sure you were a LEG man!! HE HE HE HE....p.s. did the goose make it? or did ya take it to Vet?...Oven....BBQ....?.....what marinade goes with Goose? HmmmmmmmmGooooooooseee aggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #19 - 01/14/04 at 00:54:43
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Ok, The word is I will be getting cut on BIG time on Jan. the 26th, at 10;00 am.
  Will be in the hosp. (valley) 2-4 days, depending on how bad I want to wake up this time...last time when they tried to recover me I stoped breathing. and they had to re-intabate me for several hours. than they started to recover me again, now that the tube is breathing for me I didn't have much choice. Once awake enough to start fighting the tube did they extabate me. For 2 days my o2 sats were 78-80's ( they should be 98-100%).......Guys this is called sleep apnea (ap-knee-a) youv'e heard of it!!! If your wife, or someone at tournie camp says you snore like a @!#$%^&*
you need to go in for a sleep study.....The life you save may be your own,( the marrige you save may be your own) This was one reason for my heart attack. this is the other reason that I get only about 4 hours sleep a pm. I am going back on my machine from the time they start recovering me- every night again...I'll be good, and I'm tired.
   Oh PS. Try and remember when I get back that I look like a big guy! but when it's all said and done I shouldn't carry anything moe than 2 gal. of much as I like to help, please help me from myself and don't ask  Embarrassed Undecided Cry( OH still looking for backseats every chance I get!!!
phone # 253-854-8911
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #20 - 01/14/04 at 00:59:36
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Ps Larry, I checked on her and now she's a perminate walker and swimmer now! As soon as I released her her two body guards came right over and braught her right back to the do you call it when there's a flock of birds??
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #21 - 01/16/04 at 18:37:36
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   Still looking, I got about three more months of this! Cry
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #22 - 01/22/04 at 07:09:35
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Angry AngryWell@#$%^&*() Just got word today that I might not be able to get cut on for another 2-3 weeks!! you know those desk jockies down in oly. that are not DRS. who play DR. ott to be shot!...."We'll try and get to a decision as soon as we can but it will take about 3 weeks to get to one."
   To make matters worse, I went to my pre-op interview to cus and discuss the plan, and after ferther review of my MRI the whole plan just X2...twice as bad as first thought, twice as much surgery as they are understanding why I was in so much PX!...duh, I told ya so (oh I'm not a DR. either!)
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #23 - 01/22/04 at 14:55:25
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Virgil,  try Smitty's recipe for keeping bananas away! Roll Eyes  I heard that it does wonders for snake bites, pain, etc.  Maybe you should just go to the ER, fall down on the floor and start screaming and kicking.

Oh, by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #24 - 01/23/04 at 06:12:37
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Thanks Rich, know what? the squeeky wheel gets the knife!! I got a call from Oly. today and they sail "we just called your surgeons office and said to keep my appointment and get me fixed up...praise God!   bring on the goofy gas. Cheesy
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #25 - 01/23/04 at 11:58:30
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Virgil,  good job.  I didn't think anyone could stand too much of those WHITE legs thrashing about. 

Well, that should take care of you.  Now if we can just  teach Larry to fish and he can catch "Mortimer" our mission should be complete. Grin

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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #26 - 01/26/04 at 06:45:34
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Well were down to less than 12 hours, please continue with your prayers cuz I need them.  At this point I'm not worred yet...I usually don't worry until I climb up on the table, than it hits me! I'm really looking foword to this one and getting it over with! At this time I'm not scared of going to sleep.... I'm afraid of waking up cuz one way or another my life will be changed.
   I probably won't be around a computer for awile so catch ya later.

ps. no flowers...just fishing tackle!
pss Glen I promise, if my legs work at all, I will stand in your wedding. V-DUB-YA Undecided
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Larry S.
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #27 - 01/27/04 at 02:46:20
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Prayers atcha big guy! Wink
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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #28 - 01/27/04 at 03:04:25
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Good luck, Virg.  You'll be fine.  Take yer time healin' bud.  We'll play it by ear.

By the way, any way they can make your legs look less pasty?   Shocked

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Re: fishing is the best medication!
Reply #29 - 01/30/04 at 21:21:13
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Got your post and spoke to my neuro surgeon and he said that if I go back down to Lovers Package were I got bachelor gift that they have stuff down there to take care of the "pasties". Other than that surgery wont help but i am sure that I can get a second opinion from you.
Thank you  very much you guys for the concerns, prayers, phone calls and visits while I was in the hospital.
Chuck I took your advice pinched a few nurses. They were flattered by the gesture........ when the drugs wore off I learned that the big ones name was Olga and the other ones nickname was Heffer.So I introduced myself as Chuck Pigue and gave them your home phone number... they will be calling soon because they liked the gestures.
Let me catch up up to date on what has been happening lately. I was cut on the 26th and started with a simple lamy which means they make 1-3 3 inch insicions and use a skin and muscle retractors and stick inch and half to two inch tubes down inside the hole and try to do micro surgery thru the tubes. Fortunately for me with  three extra hours on the table it worked and was spared a nine to twelve insicion, thus healing time will be a lot quicker and a lot less pain, praise God!I
got out of the hospital on 1/28 at 6pm when I learned that my daughter Carlee was having upper abdominal pain.
I called to find  my daughter the following day and found her at the Er at Valley Medical Center. At that time shewas in the process of having a CAt Scan.
CAT scan showed some deformities in the upper GI track and appeared that her GI track was telescoping inside of it self with a possible perforation and blockage.
Pediatrician and ER doc strongly suggested  that she and the films go to Childrens immediately where a surgeon will be waiting for us in the ER.
We arrived at Childrens were seen my the ER doc, he looked at the films and waited for the surgeon to get out of surgery then the studied Carlee's CAT scan films. In between times they did blood and other tests  to rule out certain things. The two doc's deemed in necessary to call in two surgical teams, one a surgery specailists and the other is a radiology specialist, after about two hours of studying her films and interviewing us and Carlee we decided to go the less invasive route and instead of cutting her open to find the unidentifiable
So at this point in time 1/30 Carlee came home from the hospital this morning..... I'll stop right here for a second.
On my way to Children's hopsital with my folks I could hear my step mom in the back seat wheezing from her lungs sounding like the beginnings of an asthma attack. I questioned her on it three or four times and she was denying any trouble. I came back out to the waiting room from Carlee's ER room, and found Mom seconds away from a full blown asthma attack. I gave Dad instructions to get her down to Univ hospital immediately to where she was admitted into the ER for about 4 hours for treatment for asthma.
They came back to Children's after they were done where I was at and we decided not to call in the GI team and were going to do the GI study today around noon.
At this point I am resting as often as I can, walkig around some for exercise and when I have to. Pain level is tolerable. My plans at this point is to come to the freeze in breakfast go home and rest in between that and the potluck where I will try and come back and meet some new faces.
Once again thank you everybody so much for your words of advice (Glen) and encouragement and all the prayers for myself and my daughter.
I have to be honest with myself and you guys and admit defeat twice....... I personnaly did not spend enough time in prayer for myself instead I was considering the easy way to stop the debelatating pain. God promises us clearly in the Bible that he will not put us thru anything that we can't handle together. I failed when I was not a team player with God...... I am learning from my misakes.
I wont be fishing this Sat at the freeze in but will consider all offers for back seats after that. PLEASE CALL ME !!!!! home 253-854-8911 pager 206-540-6077.

PS I will keep you informed on Carlee's progress when I know.
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