Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Defensive Bass Fishing..... (Read 4625 times)
Larry S.
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Defensive Bass Fishing.....
02/13/05 at 00:08:57
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Hey Folks.....if you saw the Bass Saturday shows today on ESPN you saw alot of attention given to the pros and cons of Defensive tournament fishing.....I for one believe it is part of the game and have utilized it before you draw and quarter me think for a our smaller formats and lessor participation is it even an issue?
The biggest format I have used this strategy is at the Jamborree. I would be pre-fishing and selected areas I would NOT fish myself till day two or three and utilize those areas to pre-fish and get my timing down. Some of these areas might have even been used by our club members but without them being present at pre-fishing I had no idea they had scouted there....or that other clubs were there and yes...the fish did bite by day three thus saving fish for myself! so yea or is a strategy......whatta you think?

p.s.....when a club angler wins a tournament by fishing a certain area hav'nt we all went to that anglers spot in later events? Bay....the Poplars...Lyles Ridge.......yeah........thought so.... Wink
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #1 - 02/13/05 at 02:07:13
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Yeah I also believe it's apart of the game. But in Dudley's insident. Did it really help him or hurt him? If it helps it's stratagy. If it doen't it's stupid. Is what he did ethical or not. Theirs so many questions. But let it be. His stupidity and not ours. Larry I don't believe what your doing is unethical. It's stratagy. I haven't had the time to truely prefish yet. SO I can't say much when it comes down to it. Just my .02 cents.
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #2 - 02/13/05 at 02:48:10
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Just because he is the first to admit it ? Everything he did was within the rules. I myself dont like unwritten rules they are not equal for all. On a body of water that size im not sure what he did was needed but he did what he thought would give him a better chance of winning. Personally I dont think that he could possibly catch enough fish to change the outcome. Banks lake maybe if you had all week but if that fish is hungry its giong to eat ten minutes after you let it go.Artificial lures can be filling but not much substance (light beer)
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #3 - 02/13/05 at 02:54:45
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I'm with Jim... I don't care who the angler is, no one can fish out an area during the heat of the spawn (or any other time for that matter) that would hurt other anglers. I think we all know that good tournament anglers are ruined most times anyway if they have to rely on one area only.

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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #4 - 02/13/05 at 03:06:36
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STRATEGY in this case.  And you do what you can to win.  Especially for the big bucks.  Ethical?  Whose ethics?  And it doesn't matter where you hook fish they ain't going to bite for another day or two in most cases.  And one of the things they brought up was the "grid" system.  It let's you know when you are going to fish and therefore gives you a kind of advantage.

Hey Nick, we can use this.  If we can pre-fish a tournament what we do is run w-a-a-a-y down the lake and hook everything we can cause the day of the tournament we are going to be the last ones down lake so we mess them up and then just fish around the launch area.  BWAHAHAHA!!

Like one of the fishermen said, "A lot of people do it but Dudley was the first to admit it."

The good thing about our Tourneys is that you can't pre-fish during the week before.  So that kind of negates the usefullness of this strategy.

I don't personally think that anyone should have "their" spot.  It should be first come first served.  But I don't think you should "crowd" another person fishing an area either.  But that gets us back to the question of how to define another persons area.  What if I am fishing the riprap at Potholes?  How much of it would be considered MY area and you shouldn't fish in?  Just another "grey" area and comes down to "what would you feel comfortable with if someone else moved in around you?"

I really like the format where the lake is sectioned off into several distinct areas and you get to fish each one for a specified amount of time.

What's the saying?  "Oh yeah, all's fair in love and Bass fishing."

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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #5 - 02/13/05 at 03:34:42
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Whether it's against the rules or not, the fact it raises some questions regarding the sportsmanship and ethics of the sport says enough.  Is that really the image this sport needs to portray? 

Larry, your example is strategy. You weren't purposely stinging fish to reduce the competition's chances. 

As Rich stated, I'm just glad we have a 1-week off limits period.  Any way you look at it, allowing people to fish the day before a club tournament when others have to work makes for an uneven playing field.  Either they're going to sting a bunch of catchable fish, or gain an unfair advantage.

Glad we're more civil than that.  And I'm thankful we're not so competitive that we have to stoop to such questionable tactics (mentioned above) in our club.

We're here to have fun, not cut each other's throats!   Grin
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Larry S.
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #6 - 02/13/05 at 04:04:42
Quote Print Post you said, we do have a closed water 1 week prior, but what if I was to send a friend or other club guy to fish on your water the day prior or worse yet the DAY OF......while we are a less competitive club these things lie in wait for those who venture out into the wasteland that is big money angling.
I have been to our events where pre-fishers from other groups setting up for their later tourney have camped out and did not yield to the "Banner" of our boat.....harras them? argue? assault? do what we have always done and fish...DESPITE THEM..... I see this as another opportunity to learn how to fish under adverse conditions and when they see you roping fish outside of the "Spot" they will usually vacate quickly.
Watching the footage of George Cochran "Nosing" at the bow of an angler got me very upset that at that level even the "Gentlemen" lose control.
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Larry S.
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #7 - 02/13/05 at 04:13:22
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As for hope is that you take from this the understanding that you have to figure out the FISH and exhibit good sportsmanship towards all anglers and the rest will take care of itself.

p.s........I knew that!

KIDS! Roll Eyes
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #8 - 02/13/05 at 04:18:19
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Yes Larry, you could send someone else to do the dirty work but then it go weigh beyond strategy. Angry

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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #9 - 02/13/05 at 16:58:27
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Interesting points.  It got me thinking (oh boy, here we go again).  There's a lot of things a person could do. And a lot of rules have been argued, debated, and written over what could happen in many tournament organizations and tournament-focused clubs.  In fact, many clubs have fallen apart and dissolved over such debates and rules.

Personally, I feel if it isn't a problem in our club, then there's no need to enact a rule on the basis of "just in case".  Paranoia tends to breed illogical behavior and interferes with club commroderie.  The only time I feel we should create such rules is when it's a real problem.

For instance, we once had a club member bring a guide on his boat as the backseater during a tournament.  It was an out-of-town relative, but not a member.  There was no rule prohibiting it, so he won.  As a result, we now have a rule stating all participants in a club tournament must be members.  We've never had a problem since.

As for the tactics Larry has brought up, I don't think we're that competitive that these things will happen.  At the Roosevelt tournament last year, I did have one club member move right on top of the spot I was fishing without asking me first (we were so close, I could've pitched my lure into his boat).  Now I could've said something as he was pulling up, but since I was only catching dinks, I decided to let it go and see if he could pull any keepers, rather than get upset.  At least then I would know that either A) I would then know what I'm doing wrong or B) it would confirm I needed to move on.  In essence, instead of feeling infringed upon, I seized the opportunity to speed up my fishing.  Turned out, I needed to move on - we both did!  Smiley

At the Columbia tournament, I had the exact scenario Larry mentioned play out.  A pre-fisher for an upcoming tournament pulled up literally 10 yrds in front of me along a stretch of bank I was fishing.  I *ahem* let the guy know I wasn't pleased about his rudeness, but all he did was move up another 5 yards.  Well, he and his buddy managed to catch a few dinks, but Keri and I were roping in the fish.  After about 7 keepers and a dozen or so dinks, he got frustrated watching us catch fish behind him and left!   Grin
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #10 - 02/13/05 at 23:01:36
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Glenn wrote: "There was no rule prohibiting it, so he won.  As a result, we now have a rule stating all participants in a club tournament must be members.  We've never had a problem since."

Actually, the rule was later relaxed. As I recall, if a member wants to bring a backseater other than a club member, it is ok with permission of the Tournament Director, but there is supposed to be a 'hold harmless agreement' signed, the form for which I don't think we have. It would take a lawyer to write it up, and even then, this usually doesn't prevent lawsuits or save your bacon when the jury awards damages. The idea is to keep somebody from paying a guide to accompany them on the tournament, while allowing your relative, girlfriend,  or buddy to go along and see what it's all about.  
C&R, Steve

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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #11 - 02/14/05 at 03:08:42
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I think most of us have done it a time or two by accident. But to intentionally do what Dudley did is unethical to me. I wouldn't do it myself. As far as larry's mention about spots, we all have them and sometimes we have them in the same area as the other guy. Yea, it's first come and first serve in my book, unless you find a guy has beaten you to your hole as well as his. So you either share it or come back to it later.

I can't tell you how many times I have fished in a tournament the first day and then came back the 2nd day to find the whole club has worked it over just because they had heard I was there catching all of my fish there the first day and was leading the tournament.

Most times it is just a pattern. You normally can fish somewhere else and find the same results. That is when I go hide and bag the rest of my limit. Take the Potholes, I have some areas where most guys wouldn't dream of taking there boat where I am fishing. Yea , some do but few at least.
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Rob M.
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #12 - 02/14/05 at 17:42:15
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First off, I have never seen someone's name on a spot or a lease agreement or mortgage papers. Has anyone else? Thee with the fastest boat and good draw gets there first. Plain and simple. Some spots are only good in you fish them the right way anyhow.

If they want to keep angler's from doing what Dudley did, they should draw the order the day of the tournament before they launch..problem solved. You wouldn't soremouth your spot if you didn't know you were going out last.

In our club I think we would rather beat someone to their spot and actually fish it rather than beat up good fish before a tournment, then try to catch them somewhere else.
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #13 - 02/24/05 at 05:54:28
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Think on it guys. When you put that club plaque/check ahead of ethics, you've thrown away what this club is supposed to stand for.
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Re: Defensive Bass Fishing.....
Reply #14 - 03/15/05 at 06:07:45
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just my opinion  but a tournament should be about displaying your own skill , knowledge and or luck. when your strategy becomes about destroying the opportunity of others i believe you have lost sight of all regard  for what is fair and ethical..

we saw this same thing happen in basketball and they changed the rules to suit the players  now it's just a bunch of criminals beating eschother up between slam dunks..  very sad...
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