Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Arses..... (Read 5678 times)
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05/28/08 at 05:23:29
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This is a rant and a tale of woe.  Yesterday I took Amanda (wife) out for some smallies.  In three hours she had boated five fish, three of which were over four pounds.  Great morning.  We were about to leave and I asked if I could look/scout around the lake a little bit.  We came to one corner when I spotted a huge male that was easily 5 pounds, but then cruised in a female that was easily 9+ pounds and more than likely was over ten.  She was real calm and I just looked at her for over 3 minutes.  Now, I can only speak for myself, but I can only recall seeing three bass in the ten pound range and all three were suspended fish.  I have never seen one as clearly as this one.  I creeped a couple of baits around and she would slowly go in their direction, but she would not take.  Finally I rigged a dropshot and she sucked it, I set the hook and she ran and got off.  I decided to leave, go home, and return in the evening. 
     I returned to the lake around 6:00 and went to the spot.  Both fish were still there.  Ten minutes later, this boat pulls up behind me and some guy says I set off his house alarm and was intruding on his property.  He (Andre) told me he owned this cove and all the land.  I replied by saying that the lakes are public property and that I had not set foot on the shore or dock.  In a rather unpolite manner he told me to leave.  He then proceeded to take his boat within inches of mine, beach it on top of the bed, trim the engine and gun it.  Thankfully I had begun to pull my boat away.
     I returned to the lake today to check things out.  Upon returning to this area, a neighbor was out working in the yard.  I talked to him about his landscaping and fishing.  He mentioned that he had been watching me yesterday and was curious.  I told him the whole story and he informed me this character that was immediately an arse toward me does not even live there and that where they had beached the boat was not even owned by the same fella that owns the closest house.  The neighbor even went to he extent to tell me that unreasonable incidents like this are not out of the ordinary for this fella. 
     Most of us have come across home owners that might be curious when they see a fisherman flippin/ pitching really close to a dock or lift.  9 out of 10 time, after you introduce yourself and tell what you're doing, the owners are fine with it.  Most of us have also delt with the brash jet skiers or even the oblivious wake board boat driver.  But for me, this one really left me completely speachless aqnd could not occurred at a worse time.
     Anyone out there want to provide their own story of arses?
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Re: Arses.....
Reply #1 - 05/28/08 at 05:34:41
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Some years ago, Nancy and I were fishing on American Lake when we saw heard some yelling and screaming from a house just up from the dock we were fishing. We then saw a guy come out of the house with a cat under his arm, walk to the end of his dock and hurl the cat at least ten feet up and twenty feet out from his dock into the lake. When he saw me using my cell phone he got abusive towards us and told us his cat enjoyed it.

We reported him to the police and ASPCA, neither of whom ever showed up or did anything - who are the arses in this situation?

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Re: Arses.....
Reply #2 - 05/28/08 at 14:09:04
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I've had a man on Lk Wa. use me and my boat as a target for his golf-ball drives. Shocked  I was over 50' from the bank fishing a drop and he continued to plop those balls on each side of the boat.  When I yelled at him to stop, he dropped them closer Smiley  However, when my partner pulled out his cell phone and called the police, the homeowner abrutly stopped and went inside.  We then saw him go to the driveway, start his SUV and drive away.  I guess the phone call must have intimidated him. Smiley

Smitty Wink

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Re: Arses.....
Reply #3 - 05/28/08 at 14:44:21
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I had a guy on lake Washington pitching firewood at my boat.

On lake Sammamish a guy was going to shoot us with a BB gun.

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Re: Arses.....
Reply #4 - 05/28/08 at 16:38:07
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Belingerant homeowners are the worse kind. During a team tournament on Lake Wa me and Dave Jarrel had a woman threaten to spray us with a water hose if we didn't leave her dock. Well I tried and then my big motor wouldn't start due to a battery failure. So I pulled out the jumper cables and proceeded to hook up the batteries and the lady says your just faking a problem and proceeded to spray us with water.

Well dave jarrel gave her a tongue lashing while I was trying to get the motor started and it finally started so we got the hell out of there. We later came back to the same dock and the husband comes out to say hello, very friendly guy. We spoke to him about his wife and he said that she gets that way sometimes and just to ignore her.

Well if the sun was out during that tournament I wouldn't have worried about getting wet.

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Chris B.
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Re: Arses.....
Reply #5 - 05/28/08 at 17:11:31
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He trimmed his motor down on the bed and gunned it, as to scare the fish away, and ruin the bed with all the sand and crap flying towards it??  Did he seem like a fisherman?  He probably tryed fishing it himself earlier and didn't want anyone to catch it because he couldn't.  Thats what I think, or the guy was just crazy.  Don't you wish you had a friend who is a sharp shooter on shore  Wink (did I say that)  OHHH no, what just happened, it wasn't me.  Cheesy

I can't think of the worst right now, but theres a dock on Lake Desire where if you get too close, out of the blue a garden hose with a lawn sprayer will start going off in every direction.

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Re: Arses.....
Reply #6 - 05/28/08 at 18:42:09
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I have seen that hose on Desire. It just pops up out of no where.

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Re: Arses.....
Reply #7 - 05/28/08 at 20:43:45
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I was fishing on Tapps with 2000Subaru and both of our wives.  We had our two boats in a little cove we call Gilligan's island.  It turns out Gilligan is a flaming A-hole (like the morning after you have too much hot sauce).  While we were in the cove he drove his tractor out to the end of the point took off his shirt and dove in the water.  He swam across the opening and grabbed some logs from the other shore and swam back closing off the opening except for a few feet in the middle.  We weren’t sure if there was a rope across the middle or not, so 2000Subaru asked the guy if it was boatable so we could leave (he had trapped us!).  The guy snapped back "it will be when I'm finished!”  He had a hatchet that he was using to nail stuff to the log boom he was building.  He then proceed to tell us that he had lived there since 1950-whenever (even though there was only a trailer on the property) and we can fish here but don't act like we own it and hang around too long.  Just catch one or two and get out.  I think he said something about not hurting his fish too.  Nice guy really, just a little misunderstood (like most serial killers).
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Re: Arses.....
Reply #8 - 05/28/08 at 20:51:05
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I would like to invite all WBC club members to visit Gilligans Island for the Fish-IN on the 14th.  HIS cove is full of smallies, carp, and suckers.  Did I mention the resident muskie that lives just outside of his "logboom gate".  He did mention that items have been taken from his docks in the past few years.  He sure is lucky that I am nice and polite, becuase I have bene inclined to either anchor out in the middle and suntan in a speedo or leave something from my arse on his dock.  I've been a good boy though.. Roll Eyes
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Re: Arses.....
Reply #9 - 05/28/08 at 22:55:47
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    Do, he did not seem like a fisherman at all.  Complete arse from the beginning.  I do not think he was even aware of the bed.  He trimmed the motor up, so crap would realy be sent flying.  It's one thing to meet a jerk on the water, it's another to meet one when your PB is there in front of you!
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Chris B.
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Re: Arses.....
Reply #10 - 05/28/08 at 22:59:49
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Man that must have been the worst feeling ever, seeing that fish slip away because of a total arsehole.

Wishful Sponsors: BassCat Boats, Mercury Marine, Tackle Warehouse, Chevy Trucks, Chevron Gas, G-Loomis Rods, Shimano Reels.
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Re: Arses.....
Reply #11 - 05/28/08 at 23:17:36
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i had a guy on clear lake near eatonville give me a tounge lashing for fishing a bed near his dock  blah blah breaking the law blah blah.  i was nieve to this fact so after digging up some info on my rights as a fisherman i returned a few days later to return the favor.  needless to say he hasnt hassled me since.  really though that sucks jon  Sad


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Re: Arses.....
Reply #12 - 05/28/08 at 23:31:23
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I had another incident several years ago on a lake where this homeowner came out with a gun and threatened me to leave. So i pulled my .357 Magnum out and said now we could be civil about this or we can just shoot each other right now and where would that get us. The home owner decided it wasn't worth getting killed over it or thrown in jail for.

Yup I think we have all had golf balls, sticks,wood, rocks and whatever a homeowner can find to throw our direction and experience the verbal tiraids that these morons use. Its sad that when you finally get the time off to go fish you get some moron that ruins your day.

Its a funny world out thar,

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Re: Arses.....
Reply #13 - 05/29/08 at 01:16:27
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I definately don't have a fishing story that bad, might have an elk hunting story that would compete with yours, but thats for a different forum. 

Anyways a couple of summers ago me and doug were out night fishing silver lake around the island.  We had our lights on so nobody ran into us and out of the blue some old lady that had obviously had a little too much 'sauce' fires up her motor and comes blaring across the lake right at us in a big ole pontoon boat.  After one of the finest boat dockings I ever seen, she proceeded to freak on us.  You know how it goes we were trespassing, and stealing, and destroying property.  Well anyway we just keep fishing and she hears one of our spinnerbaits go kaplunk in the water and the lady just comes unglued.  After freaking out about us "throwing stuff at her"  she proceeds to make a fake phone call to the police, and the situation starts to become comical.  Basically we called her on it and she said okay I'm really going to call them know.  I respond with "If you really do get ahold of police they're going to laugh at you."  The response we got back was priceless "No they wont.........because......because........I too am a police officer."  I was laying in the bottom of the boat rolling with laughter.  We responded that we were sorry and obviously didn't know who we were messing with.   Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Arses.....
Reply #14 - 05/29/08 at 02:51:56
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It's just plain sad we have to put up with all of these arses!!!!!!!!!I can say that the only time I had someone threaten me, I called 911, reported that my life was threatened for fishing on a public waterway, the police responded and arrested the arse.......Now that was FUNNNYYYYY......The guy cussed the cops for arresting him and I gave my verbal statement from the front deck of my boat, rod in hand and later completed the report (the next day).  The gentleman was prosecuted in WASHINGTON State for commicating a threat to injure.  Now, I wasn't afraid of the guy, because I always PACK.  But the idiot just had to own water that wasn't his, thought because he was wealthy he could get away with it and I'd leave.  Well, he now knows, I WON'T leave, he is a little less wealthy in the pocket, and he doesn't own LAKE Washington afterall.


Chuck Pigue Grin Grin
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