Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Apr. tournie, WOW! (Read 6864 times)
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Apr. tournie, WOW!
04/28/03 at 14:53:04
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CheesyWOW! I just heard the news of how the Duck lk. tournie went, lots of surprises.
   First of all out tournie director/vice prez kicked some Bass right out of his boat(....the small ones) to win the first tournie of 2003 by 14 lbs, that right, 14lbs! Good job Larry, enjoy this one, youv'e earned it!
   Glen? have you been holding out on us? I think so. word has it that you have in your possision a 22 foot aircraft carrier that says ranger on the side of it? and it just so happens to match your truck? How cool is that? I for one am happy for you! and did I hear that Kerri took third in the tournie, and BIG fish out of your back seat? Cheesy Good job Kerri! keep him humble. Wink Sorry, I don't remember who took 2nd.....Did anybody else show up?  Shocked   
   Must have been a tough bite, I wish I was there to get skunked to Embarrassed, Hay save you best fishing for the points tournies, thats what I think.
   Ok, lets hear it from the guys that were there.
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #1 - 04/28/03 at 15:37:18
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Yup, it was a tough bite.  I believe 9 out of 24 people got skunked.  Nearly everyone else caught just 1 fish.

Except Larry...

...who limited and culled each day...

I'll let him fill ya all in on the standings, but I've got to say, I've NEVER seen such an ass-whooping slam-dunk win like this in the 15 years I've been a member!!

Larry had 20 lbs 2 oz (I believe), followed by Marc Maderos with 6 lbs 8 oz.  Keri had 6 lbs 5 oz w/Big Fish.

Larry beat 2nd, 3rd and 4th place COMBINED!

Absolutely Amazing!  Great job Larry.  You figured it out when nobody else could.  Outstanding performance.

And ya, there was something a little different attached to my truck this time.    Wink  A brand new 2003 Ranger 520DVX Commanche (that's 20' 9", not 22 feet).  Cat's out of the bag now.  Surprise!   Shocked

BTW, it was Keri's first tournament on her own, and her first largemouth ever caught.  Obviously, I'm quite proud of her.  All her (2) fish were caught on a white spinnerbait.

On another note, the potluck was one of the best I've had - not from a food standpoint (although it was very good), but just from a fun standpoint.  The company and conversation were excellent and I had a terrific time.  Watching Brian Walker "pet" a cat through a window left my sides sore from laughing so much!
« Last Edit: 04/28/03 at 17:51:21 by Admin »  
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #2 - 04/29/03 at 01:23:26
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Hmm... I didn't mention water temps, weather, or winning pattern, yet a bunch of people have logged on today.

C'mon folks, let's talk it up!   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #3 - 04/29/03 at 03:29:58
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Hi everyone,

I've been talking to Glenn about the weekend and thought I should explain.

I was just tryinging to get some experience.  I have never in my life ever used an bait casting reel until a month or two ago, where Glenn had me cast a plug - and yes I really made a mess.  With that I knew I really needed to practice - not for accuracy, but for mental stability because I would go crazy picking out all the bird's nests all day long (now we know why Backlash is the way he is!) 

As a first time fisher person I never in a million years thought I would be so lucky.  I'm sorry I could not tell the members what I did as I'm very uncomfortable in front of crowds, even the people I know. 

On the first day I have no idea what happend but was throwing a Mann's Classic spinnerbait "Tina Tuner with a bad hair day" and  talking to Glenn when the rod went HELLO.  I about fainted, or fell over board,  bugged eyed and all.

Ok the second day, yes one fish, I'm limited, as were the most of us.  I got lucky point blank and period.  I threw the same bait but with a tweak - I bent the blades so they would vibrate more.  YES Glenn has told me I should have told him I tweaked the blades.  In response I told him I was afraid he would think I was crazy.  "Hey I'm New"  I also fan-casted out into deeper water and used a stop-n-go retrieve.  I learned that from watching an FLW show on TV and so I thought, "What the hey, I'll try it".

Anywho I just want to thank the club for making feel welcome and I appreciate all the support.  I cannot wait for the next time fish or not.  I had a blast and I've figured out it is fun when you catch fish but the fun really comes from fishing. 

Thanks,  K

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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #4 - 04/29/03 at 04:03:11
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Let's see here,

Pat: Sweet boat, man!!!

Glenn and Keri: Another sweet boat!!!

Keri: Nice job on getting third place and big fish! You sure kicked a lot of people's butts out there  Grin Don't let Glenn forget who properly broke in the Ranger for its first tournament season Wink

Larry: You dawg... You added another WBC word to my vocab. If you are just laying back, chillin', you're
. If you get the crud kicked out of you in a tournament, you got

But, I was more than happy to be netboy on Sunday for you. What can I say? When you're on fire, you're hot! Nice senko fishing, my man.

To everyone else: I don't have much of a fishing report 'cause I didn't catch a dang thing. LOL. The weather was excellent over there for Ocean Shores. Moderate wind and occassional drizzle on Saturday, Partly sunny to blue skies and light winds on Sunday. I cranked, bladed, senkoed, brushhogged, splitshot, and jigged... all to no avail. Duck was tough, but I had an excellent time. I agree with Glenn, that was one of the more fun Potlucks we have had in a while!!! Let's keep it up.

See you all at Potholes,

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Larry S.
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #5 - 04/29/03 at 04:06:06
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Hey Glenn, apparently this thing does not want me to enter the standings as I have tried three times lets see if it works.....

1st Me 20.2 lbs 9 fish
2nd Mark Maderos 6.8 lbs 3 fish
3rd Keri Olive 6.5 lbs 2 fish.......
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Larry S.
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #6 - 04/29/03 at 04:28:27
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works so far....
4th Lyle Logston, 4.15 lbs 2 fish
5th Brian Walker, 4.14 lbs 2 fish
6th Dennis Larson, 4.2 lbs  2 fish
7th Terry Steffenson, 3.14 lbs 2 fish
8th Don Hankinson, 3.0 lbs 1 fish
9th Dan Mowry, 2.15 lbs 1 fish
10th Glenn May, 2.14 lbs 1 fish-tied
10th Chris James, 2.14 lbs 1 fish-tied
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Larry S.
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #7 - 04/29/03 at 04:34:09
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Lets finish it.....
11th Bob Brownlee, 2.6 lbs 1 fish-dead
12th Richard Fazakerley, 2.4 lbs 1 fish
13th Mark Lafond, 2.0 lbs 1 fish
14th Ron Hankinson, 1.10 lbs 1 fish
15th Jeff Choate, 1.8 lbs 1 fish....
Honorable Mention........
Jim Smith, Bill Brynteson, Rich Loth, Jim Shaffer, Pat Sutherland, Doug Booth, Chris Sargent, Daryl Snodgrass.

31 fish caught...
72.3 lbs....
All Largemouth....1 dead fish.
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #8 - 04/30/03 at 03:16:50
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Hi all,
  Just an update from my perspective.  First off, Larry is da Man.  Glad I could help with the catching fish.  Every time I got near his boat, Larry caught one or two.  I felt like a Bassmaster camera boat.  Just following along and watching the Pro on display.
  Well after spending Sat. in the canal all day and getting nothing, I regrouped for Sunday.  My partner, Dan M. caught his fish in the lily pads on the main lake the first day.  Got to thinking about how much success Chris S. had at Sprague last yr. fishing in the pads, and thought well, I'm going to hit the pads first thing in the morning.
  Found a beautiful strech of pads and started pitching a flipping, after no strikes switched to a blue/white tandem blade spinner bait.  About 10 casts later first fish.  2lber.......  Worked the pads some more and spooked a good fish,  about 5 minutes later a spinnerbait, blade seeking missle just destoyed my blade right in front of me.  He hit it about 20ft from the boat.  Watched the whole thing.  Fish came along ways to get that bait.  3lber..... 
  Bill B. and I headed back to work the same stretch flipping black/blue senko's.  No luck.. 
  Moved into the canals and got near Larry's boat just in time for him to land his 3rd fish.
  Nothing doing for us back there so went back to the pad section in the main lake and flipped the final fish in less than a foot of water.  Fish came out of a section that was well shadowed by a large overhang.  I feel the key there was the large area of shadow for the fish to move in.
  So my draw tournement 2nd day heroics continue.  Blanking the first day and catching a bunch on the second day.

Mark M
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #9 - 04/30/03 at 03:38:49
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Hey Mark,

Excellent comeback! It says a lot that you can come back on the second day and do well!!!

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Larry S.
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #10 - 05/01/03 at 01:57:24
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Nice comeback Mark, but I like you better as the Camera Boat. he he he he
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #11 - 05/01/03 at 06:16:51
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Funny Larry,
  But just remember who put more fish in the boat at Silver Lake.  The grudge will be potholes for all the bragging rights.

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Larry S.
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Re: Apr. tournie, WOW!
Reply #12 - 05/01/03 at 15:41:11
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