Yup, it was a tough bite. I believe 9 out of 24 people got skunked. Nearly everyone else caught just 1 fish.
Except Larry...
...who limited and culled each day...
I'll let him fill ya all in on the standings, but I've got to say, I've NEVER seen such an ass-whooping slam-dunk win like this in the 15 years I've been a member!!
Larry had 20 lbs 2 oz (I believe), followed by Marc Maderos with 6 lbs 8 oz. Keri had 6 lbs 5 oz w/Big Fish.
Larry beat 2nd, 3rd and 4th place COMBINED!
Absolutely Amazing! Great job Larry. You figured it out when nobody else could. Outstanding performance.
And ya, there was something a little different attached to my truck this time.

A brand new 2003 Ranger 520DVX Commanche (that's 20' 9", not 22 feet). Cat's out of the bag now. Surprise!

BTW, it was Keri's first tournament on her own, and her first largemouth ever caught. Obviously, I'm quite proud of her. All her (2) fish were caught on a white spinnerbait.
On another note, the potluck was one of the best I've had - not from a food standpoint (although it was very good), but just from a fun standpoint. The company and conversation were excellent and I had a terrific time. Watching Brian Walker "pet" a cat through a window left my sides sore from laughing so much!