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Topic Summary - Displaying 15 post(s).
Posted by: rwfaz - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/09/04 at 04:41:50
The biggest problem about trying to enforce a "distance rule" is going to be the measurement..... if we say 50yards, then who is the judge and/or measurer?? and if there is a wind and the boats close to 48yards fort a few seconds, has the rule been broken?

The rule Rich Loth quoted also mentions "a boat that is anchored i.e. a line in the water attached to a weight and the trolling motor stowed" ....who of us fishes like that anyway?

Just playing Devil's Advocate, while I see where this goes.
Posted by: larrys - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/05/04 at 14:38:36
I love this subject as it brings up a tactic few people think about and that is to train yourself to fish behind someone.....when out fun fishing get behind another tournament the "Used Water" and make the adjustments accordingly and take the subject up with the tourney director later....if it is a Weekend Angler then when you start catching fish behind them they start getting all have heard them and we spend so much more time on the water it should not be us getting upset and verbal but we should be turning the tables on them for getting in front of us.

ie......we spend alot more time on the water and SHOULD be able to handle adversity much better and with better results. With the time alot of us spend on the water we have almost a duty to be professional and cordial even to those who wrong us if anything to be an example.......nuff said.
Posted by: weedwalker - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/05/04 at 02:58:39
Hey mike,  I understand all to well on this topic. I agree with Ron, "treat others as you would want them to treat you."  There have been times in the not so distance past where I had respected a wish of another and when I ask for the same wish later, it was refused. ??? At first I was upset, Angry  then we talked later after we were off the water and straightened things out for the most of it.  Yes, the "rule" of distance is usally if you are within casting distance of another boat you should ask them if they mind you fishing that close to you. 9 times out of 10 they don't have a problem with it.  There have been times when I have shown someone a spot and they got there before me but when I arrived (finally) they made room for me. THAT is the club I joined years ago.  Brian (The Weedwalker)
Posted by: Redchamp - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/05/04 at 01:55:24
The "Allow Another Boat" , Allow is the key word. In some tournaments the rule is: If you allow another boat within the 25 yard limit of your fishing area, then it is open to anyone else without asking. IE: If you allow your buddies in another boat to fish your same structure etc, you'd better split up when you hear another boat coming or else.
As far as a distance limit goes: I tried to get this rule passed a couple years ago for some of the same reasons but it didn't raise enough eyebrows back then. I'm with ya Mike. I think we need a distance rule.
Posted by: Rich - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/01/04 at 21:36:36
This is a cut right from the FLW and BFL tournament rules:

Contestants may fish anywhere on tournament waters accessible by boat, except areas designated as "off limits" or "no fishing" by local, state, or federal officials or within 50 yards of a competitor's boat which was first anchored (an anchored boat is a boat held in a stable position by a line attached to a weight with the trolling motor in the up position).

As you can see it does not speak to a free floating boat.

It looks like if we want some other "distance" rule then we need to make it ourselves and incorporate it in "our" tournament rules

Posted by: Dave_Jarrell - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/01/04 at 16:03:43
Hey Mike,  I would hope that if i was hammering fish like you were (by the way nicely done) on the columbia and a member was invading what i thought was my space;  I would try to be nice and ask them to leave.. (maybe they are new or dont know what there doing)  If they dont respect this, then let the TD know.   It would be up to his judgement to DQ them or whatever else is nessesary.   But by knowing most people in this club at least a little;  they would take off and leave you alone.

there should be some distance given and respect to the DIRECTION the boat is going.  this should be addressed at the drivers meeting so everyone does know!

The first day at the jamboree i got to a good road bed, first.  I knew the bigger fish were deeper so i started in about 6' working out.  3 minutes later a boat parked 30 yards in front of me and cought 5 nice fish while i caught 2 small dink keepers. then another boat pulled in  behind me.  I was alittle upset to say the least!  But im sure he thought he was, by the rules, far enough away. I thought it sucked!

By the way.   for everyone who missed the jamboree this year you missed out on a good time!
Posted by: rob_maglio - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/01/04 at 15:05:00
Hey Glenn, it sounded like Chris was saying if you allow another boat or member to fish "your" water, then it should be fair game for anyone else in that particular tourney. Obviously if some idiot invades your water, then that doesn't give anyone else permission to fish it. I think 5o yards is way too close. Now depending how big a particular piece of structure is, then you should be able to have all of it. If there is a little cove or point or rock pile in deep water, it should be all yours. If a road bed is half a mile long like in the Poplars, I would think a few boats could fit. I always try to stay at least 200-300 yards away from someone on a stretch of bank and usually wont pull in front of them. If I do, it is a lot farther ahead than that. But it is frustrating when you want to cover a bank back and fourth a few times and someone pulls behind you. The bouy idea would probably work. I had one guy (meat-fisherman) start picking up my bouy though, like someone forgot it in the water. I would think anyone in a tournament would understand the purpose of that bouy, but you wouldn't be able to throw them too far apart. ????

As Mike said, first come first serve to a point. If you barely edge a guy with a smaller boat to a spot where he was yardin them the first day, then thats kind of weak.

The backseater thing is part of fishing. Thats how a lot of new guys learn how to fish or learn some half decent areas to fish. We all tell new guys to join clubs and backseat with guys who know what they are doing. Dont invite a backseater if you cant handle showing a spot.

Mark and I would have been blown by Lyle at Silver lake for a second time to a spot, but he pulled off and gave it to us. He still won it. When he beat us there earlier, we had to go father past and settle for that.
Posted by: topjimmy - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/01/04 at 05:25:24
well-spoken by all ! the need  for a little more respect
for each others space on the water ,someone elses spot and directionof travel.
there has been several articals in recent
issues of bass club digest,bassmasters on this very
subject.i hope that my actions where not offfensive
to you mike . being that there was several boats in
the mouth of the yakima ,it would be easy to under-
stand why.   the club meetings should be  to teach people  how to become a better fisherman in both catching fish and respect of others.but telling where i catch my fish is a different story . i dont like the idea of
having a one time hole or spending money to give
all my info so someone else doesnt have to that
would be freeloading  Grin Grin Grin
Posted by: Mike_W - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/01/04 at 02:45:00
Glad to see all the responses. I have been at the Jamboree all weekend.

Yes the two scenarios were from WBC members. That is why I asked the question. If they were weekend warriors I would have just told them to get  Lips Sealeded and make sure they did not get a cast in till they left. I would not do that to a WBC member. I wanted to make sure that there were a common law written or unwritten. I think that one of the times was a harmless accident. I am sure they did not know that the current was that strong. My advise to them would be STOP fishing if you get swept into someone elses zone. Everyone that was at the tourney saw how crazy the Yakima was. It seemed to work for the most part.

The other was definatly pushing the ethics line to a extreme. I believe this person figured it out and is learning.

Bob had some good points. You quickly learn who you can share info with and who you can't. As far as people wishing to return to there hot spots, speed. If that was a written rule there would be no need for 200 hp motors strapped to the backs of 20' tackle boxes. First arrive and it's yours. Kinda like home steading the west.

Some one stated a rule about the 200 foot rule to fishing vessels. Not true in our case. As a recreational angler you are not classified as a fishing vessel. To be considered "engaged in fishing" you must be trawling, gill netting, purse seining ect. Trolling is not considered fishing to the coast guard. Also if you claim to be a fishing vessel you must show day shapes or mast head lights claiming you are fishing.

Posted by: Rich - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/30/04 at 14:58:27
Come on Ron, quit beating around the bush!!!  Say what you mean, big guy.  LOL

You are very right  about the "other" people.  There are no real rules except common courtesy for them and that seems to go out the window when they get out there, with a pole in one hand and a beer in the other.

And I think you are right about the "perception" that a BIG bass boat means that we know where the bass are.  The "weekend warrior" fishermen very seldom catch bass.  If it was that easy I could outfish Kirk any day.  (that ain't a challenge Kirk)  They don't understand that  you have paid your dues thru a lot of trial and error and know "how" not necessarily "where" to catch bass.  The bass are everywhere (well just about)  but the key is to give them what they want.  But if there is a Big Shiny Bass Boat there then that must be the only place in the whole lake where there are bass.

But we still need some black and white guidelines for  our tournament fishing that govern how we fish.  If nothing more then to bring "enlightenment" and "fair play" to US.

But if I see Larry out there fishing I am still going to get just as close to him as possible and FISH.  Course all he has to do is fire up the "BIG" motor and swamp me.  End of problem HAHA

Posted by: EX-PREZ
Posted on: 05/29/04 at 16:47:17
Howdy Gentlemen,
 I think the safest way to approach these topics are:
1) In the event that a tourney boat enters a cast away, you have the right to make a stink, only after a kind "what the HE#@ you doing?" comes first.
2) the general public will never understand the rules and courtesies we tournament anglers abide by.  Therefore we cant get angry at them.  Many of them think because we have the big shiny bass boats and are in a tournament, we must know where the fish are and be sitting right on top of them.  " boy how wrong can perseption be!"  They just want in on the action.  I dont agree with it but, we cant change it.
3) at Silver Lake in April, Smitty became furious at a weekend boater for unloading 1/2 the back of his truck, filling the ice chests, un-strapping the boat, finding the life jackets, ETC. all while sitting on the launch while the line is stacking up!  Point is there are things to be upset about that hold water.  FISHING ETICATE is more for those of us who don't want SMITTY ticked at US!
 MORAL IS:  if you wouldn't want it done to you, don't do it to someone else.  Rules governing these subjects aren't for the public, they didn't sign up at the drivers meeting.  My 2 cents    Grin    RON
Posted by: sarge - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/29/04 at 02:38:21

I've got one more common scenario that has already been a problem in this club for TOO LONG:

- What the heck do you do when Bob Payseno's rods are scattered all over the deck (AKA "kindling") and you can't get a clear cast in edgewise? And then when you run down the lake, what do you do when his rev-rig is embedded in your thigh from the rough ride?

These are things we must ponder  Grin You da man, Bob, and you know I'm just kidding.

Those are some good ideas you have mentioned. My personal opinion on some of the gray areas, like fishing someone else's hot spot, is that they often take care of themselves. There are too many different scenarios that make an official rule tough to word.

If someone shows me an area I have never been to and we do well, I will ask them next time if they mind me fishing there. If they say yes, then I feel like I can, with good conscience, use that area. I still will do my best in the future to communicate with that person if it seems that spot may be important at an upcoming tournament.

If someone doesn't show respect to other anglers in this way, then I believe they probably won't be introduced to other new spots, and they won't get too many smiles from other members... The point comes across quickly!

What was that worth, Rich? About 1/2 cent?

Posted by: Rich - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/28/04 at 21:57:01
Bob, good ideas.  I wonder if these questions and others can be maybe sent to some kind of "official" headquarters for the "Big Boys",i.e. FLW or someone to find out what they do or recommend.  Or maybe someone could find us a set of their rules and we can go from there.

Your questions bring up some grey areas.  Such as the backseater thing and the second day scenario.  Of course the whole thing about drawing for takeoff, etc. is that the first one to a spot usually gets it.  Nobody "owns" a spot on the water unless they are already there.  Question:  If you were fishing a spot yesterday and I saw you there then how long do I have to wait to see if you are going to fish it again today?

As was said, hopefully we are a conscientious enough club to use good judgement regarding our other members "rights" and make ethical judgements in our fishing.

But we do need some clear, concise rules.  Maybe we need to start a thread and everyone enter their ideas and suggestions and then we can come up with some guidelines.  But again when it involves "us" in a tournament and "other" fishermen we can only dictate what we consider fair.  I just don't want to be in the same boat with Smitty and Virgil when something happens..HAHA

Anyway, my overused .02

Posted by: pays2no - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/28/04 at 21:27:54
I hope the incidents Mike has been describing in his previous posts were not WBC members.  Even if they weren't, the issue warrants a closer look.  I agree this issue is extremely hard to legislate-   It's complicated. Especially when you add rivers and current to the mix.  Someday we are going to have a major dispute develop between two WBC members and the outcome will not be pretty one.  

I think what we can do about this issue is develop an open dialog at one of our upcoming meetings and discuss some of the typical scenarios that come up each year at tournaments.   That way, we can have at the very least, a general ethical guideline to follow.  We might even consider writing some of this stuff down so the tournament director can remind all participating tournaments anglers about ethical implications before each tournament.

I thought I'd jot down a few scenarios I see come up every year for discussion purposes.  Add your own if you can think of any----I welcome your responses

1. Someone blatantly or intentionally cuts you off to a "hot" spot-  Eg. Yakima River/Columbia River  

2.  Someone anchors in river current too close to close is too close....10 yards 20 yards 30 yards?   (I anchored next to Jim Ruman and Dave Jarrell in the Columbia Tourney but asked them first if it was OK before I put down the anchor).  

3.  Someone gets a good draw during the second day of a tournament and zips back to another person's "secret" fishing hole where they personally observed that person drilling the fish the day before.

4. Someone who backseated with you during a tournament the previous year is now fishing all your "hot" spots you showed him/her.  Should they have to ask you permission?

I am going to do my best to make sure this issue is somehow incorporated into our "Entertainment" agenda somehow even if it's only for a few minutes to get the prospective from the "big time" tournament angler.

Posted by: kholmes - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/28/04 at 14:29:51
Trying to legislate common courtesy is difficult.  Not sure of the answer here, but I know that our fellow club members are very courteous in this regard. 
