Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Rookie of the year Award (Read 5429 times)
Rob M.
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Rookie of the year Award
06/03/05 at 13:58:06
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It has been discussed amongst the board about a Rookie of the Year Award. Of course there have been several questions and concerns about a new award and what the criteria of a "Rookie" would be, but we will get to that.

The purpose of the award was to give people who are basically new to tournaments in our club the chance to compete for something without having to compete against the veterans. We were hoping it would encourage more tournament participation from less skilled anglers the club still starting out.

Now we know that there are new members to the club that have fished for years and would have more skills than some of the other rookies. This would just be sort of the luck of the draw for those people that year. If you think about it, we aren't taking anything away anyhow. We are just providing a chance. So if some feel it is an unfair advantage then think of that. At least it limits the skilled anglers they would have to beat for an award.

Last year would have been a good example. I think it was Hendrickson's first year. I guess he would have had both titles. That is pretty rare.

One of the concerns was members that haven't fished WBC events for several years. I think one of the criteria should be that you haven't fished a WBC tournament event for a specific amount of years and once you have rookie season with the are no longer eligable.   

Another was what if someone only fished one tournament the year before...I would say if they only fished 1 tournament then they should be eligable then next year as a rookie. If they fished 1 tournament in 2 consecutive years, then would not be eligable the next. Basically...after fishing one, they would be in their rookie year the next, so they would have to make a go for, it.

We can also put an age limit on it for the youngsters. Something like you can't declare a rookie year until you're 15 or something like that. This would keep it open for the children that may fish a tourney hear or there as they are growing up.

This award doesn't offer mst of us anything as we aren't eligable for rookie status, including me. I thought this was a good idea for future members to have something to strive for as the transition into our tournament curcuit. Most of the big bass circuits have it and I thought we could too. I had it in my first club and the issues we are concerned of never really came up. I think we can handle it and it would be a fun award to hand out at the banquet every year.

Tell me what you think and if you have any idea on criteria...

I want to put something together to submit to the new rules changes vote in October...
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #1 - 06/03/05 at 18:13:22
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I'm just a new guy but I think that sounds pretty cool. 8)

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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #2 - 06/03/05 at 19:31:01
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That sounds like an excellent idea, Rob.

My only suggestion, if you haven't already thought of it, would be to set up a log book or some kind of data keeping system to keep track of new members and how many tournaments they have fished. Then one board member would be responsible for that duty.

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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #3 - 06/03/05 at 22:08:15
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sounds liek a good idea, but i agree with some sort of way of keeping track of tournament attendance.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #4 - 06/04/05 at 06:40:45
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I think you got a good basic idea there but definitely have to work out some ground rules. IE: Just because a person fishes tourneys doesn't mean he/she is a veteran by any means.
My 2 cents: Increase tourney participation by paying more places. Our 1st - 3rd payment was set up waaaaay back when we only had a few boats show up. Now we have a very good turnout. I feel more would participate if they're odds were slightly increased.
IE: Northwest Bass vs ABA a couple of years ago. Lots of folks switched to NW because of more payout for more places.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #5 - 06/04/05 at 15:13:28
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  I agree!  A very respectable 4th or 5th or even 6th has never meant squat in WBC.  Only problem I see with this idea is revenue.  The payout currently for tourneys is a simple 50%, 30%, 20%.  Unless we increased the tourney fees to $25 or even $30, first place wouldn't even pay for boat fuel.  I've always fished for the trophy an d the bragging rights more than for the money.  I'd be for increasing the entry fee to $25 oor $30 to pay out through, say 6th place, rather than our antique system of 3 places.  There's my 2.

SPONSORS:&&MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE!&&1st pick at the raffle (when we have a raffle)&&TEAM NO BOAT PAYMENT/ NO TRUCK PAYMENT&&AQUA VU CAMERAS (borrowed from Terry, scratch that, he took it back)&&STRATOS boats (pre-owned division)&&YAMAHA (came with the STRATOS boat)
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #6 - 06/04/05 at 15:27:55
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And the NW Series pays higher dollars for 1st,2nd, & 3rd from the get go. If you are trying to get more participation by paying to 4,5 and 6th and raise the fee's for entry you could lose some guys buy raising fee's. Look at Potholes, Ron and Mark didn't we have like 32+ guys there? Participation wasn't the issue. I'm all for a fair game and more participation, heck I would love to see 50-100 guys fish our club events. Only about 30% of the club now fish our events.
Just my 2,
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Rob M.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #7 - 06/04/05 at 15:55:47
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Lets just not forget what the original thread is about. The people I'm trying to get into the tournaments are the ones that I have heard say that they don't have a chance of winning because they are new and don't have the experience. I was hoping this award would be something for them to strive for. Revenue and payout can go on another thread. Thats another can, and I 'm ready opening one with the talk of this award. I will be submitting this idea for voting in October so I was seeing what people thought of it. If someone has issues with payout and revenue then attempt to do something about it. It won't happen on it's own.

Thanks Guys
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #8 - 06/04/05 at 17:35:12
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  I agree with you also.  I got off track a little with the entry fees thing.  I love the idea of a "rookie of the year award".  I would certainly support that.

SPONSORS:&&MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE!&&1st pick at the raffle (when we have a raffle)&&TEAM NO BOAT PAYMENT/ NO TRUCK PAYMENT&&AQUA VU CAMERAS (borrowed from Terry, scratch that, he took it back)&&STRATOS boats (pre-owned division)&&YAMAHA (came with the STRATOS boat)
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #9 - 06/04/05 at 17:45:16
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Larry S.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #10 - 06/05/05 at 03:04:07
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So.....again what this thread has lead to........without trying that more participation.....even for Rookie of the year........will require higher dues and higher entry fees to our tournaments?

I think the intent was to just reward the NEW GUY for their hard work and efforts and Frankenstien has again risen about increasing payouts for tournaments?
We are and have been a club based on education and conservation and we keep recycling the "Money Brings More and Better Members" Theory.
I am all for high paying tournaments but there are circuits for those and the club level...through the years has been understood not the place........just a vent or a rant but Rob came into a good idea that worked for his club in California but apparently will not here....sorry Rob.
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Rob M.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #11 - 06/05/05 at 04:37:23
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Well an Angler of the Year Award doesn't change anything to the tournaments. All that is required is keeping a seperate total of the rookies. We aren't trying to turn water to wine or anything. We all pay the same and fish the same. The rookies will battle the same. The good part is one may take 7th in a tournament, but he may have done better than all the rookies. So he/she, even though not placing great, would have the satifaction of a good event in the rookie race. The only expendature at all would be a trophy or certificate at the end of the year. We aren't buying them a fully rigged Skeeter or anything. I think it has a lot of benefits without really changing anything. We are still fishing as normal, just tracking another stat.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #12 - 06/05/05 at 05:45:22
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So, we have yet more stuff for the TD/VP to take care of, in addition to the individual results and the couples results? Don't forget, there's another trophy to buy at the end of the year. What are they? $30? You think it's only $30, but it's got to come from someplace. It comes from the treasury, like all those end of the year awards, not tournament entry fees.  Otherwise, I think it's a good idea. Just wanted to mention the other aspects.
C&R, Steve
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Rob M.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #13 - 06/05/05 at 15:29:23
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I think taking a small group of guys from the field (rookies) at the end of each tournament, and simply ranking them won't take much. The VP already ranks everyone in the tournament anyways. You just pull those guys aside. Maybe a good 2 minutes, times 4 events...8 minutes for the season.
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Re: Rookie of the year Award
Reply #14 - 06/06/05 at 15:59:22
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I think one thing to look at and to consider, and you would know better than anyone else, is if we increased the trophy output, would the current entry fees cover the cost of the trophies? And possibly leave a decent return to the angler!? If not then you need to think about possibly raising the entry fees. I believe what was being said was that the cost of everything is going up these days, i.e. gas, campsites, food etc, along with trophy costs I am sure. But the 4th and 5th place certificates were given out a few years a go, in a nice picture frame, not sure what happened to that idea.
Just my .02


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