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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) NO LARGEMOUTH...OH NO!! (Read 20556 times)
Larry S.
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Reply #15 - 12/16/04 at 01:43:10
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My biggest concern is that they have yet to show any study info to correspond with this action....Just got the e-mail back from Gary at the Federation and he stated they too were blindsided that there was not a vote but rather an announcement from several state folks....he also stated several commercial concerns from the tri-city region had concerns.....either way with time I believe more info wil arise
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Reply #16 - 12/16/04 at 02:33:09
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Funny how some states, such as Texas and Florida, hold high regard for bass and manage them very well, and our state has no brain when it comes to warmwater fish.  At one point, we did have a warmwater hatchery, but I think it got shut down a while ago (Chris, I may be wrong on this, am I?).

This is absolutely intolerable and inexcusable.  To single out tournaments as the scapegoat for mismanagement is absolutely absurd. 

It's time we march down to the next WDF meeting in force to make a change.  We did it before when they tried to ban tournaments, it's time we do it again.

Nick, a valiant idea and something the club used to do up until the mid-seventies, when buearacricy and red-tape all but eliminated the possibility for anyone but the state to stock fish.  They've virtually elimated that option.

Unfortunately, that leaves it up to the trout/salmon hugging idiots to manage (or not manage) the warm water species.

I'm livid.
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Reply #17 - 12/16/04 at 04:04:57
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I am going to ask for a refund of half of my fishing license because I won't be able to fish for one of the two types of bass in the state.  It's not enough that I release all my largemouth.  Now if we didn't recognize the state laws governing tournaments and keep our limits of largemouth we could continue to kill LM.  Sounds a bit backwards to me.
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Reply #18 - 12/16/04 at 14:55:49
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Chris, You are my pal and nothing I mentioned in my post was directed at anyone other than the pundit that came up with this idiotic idea.  I already made an A** out of myself in an email to Bruce Baker and the resto of the crew.  We pay the most in fees, participate in habitiat restoration and release all of our fish, and we get punished, yet the worm can toting, stringer hanging moron that keeps twice the limit of fish can do whatever they want.  If the state wants to know where the LM went, just visit Banks, and Wallua on a weekend, when every idiot from Tri-Cities to SE Asia has ten bass on a stringer, mostly females.  Especially in the spring.  Good grief, I am even more angry, what an moronic move by a state agency I used to respect. Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

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Reply #19 - 12/16/04 at 14:56:20
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Seems like a very ill conceived Fish and Wildlife rule.  I have read several studies on smallies and largies in river systems.  They have been transmitter tag and followed of the course of a couple years and smallies would travel upto 200 hundred miles in a single season in a river and largies upto 100 miles.....  The fish instictively move up and down rivers looking  for the best habitat to live in.  With that line of thinking, a largie caught near the mouth of the Snake was taken to Columbia point for weighin, it could easily travel a few miles either back to the snake of into the mouth of the yakima.  I don't see a largie getting confused and not finding good habitat to stay in......  As for largies on banks,  I can see that there is a limited amount of habitat that we normally look for largies in,  but if radio tagged, I bet largies would be found in bigger numbers than fish and wildlife guys imagine.    As for the idea of getting half my license fee back, I kinda like that proposal.  Maybe time to shoot off a few emails to government officials with the proposal.

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Reply #20 - 12/16/04 at 15:27:28
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Money back?  From a Govment agency?  What a concept. Shocked

What about a petition or letter that we all sign, etc.  Or a well written letter that we can copy, sign and send to da Bums?

It perturbs(read as pisses me off)  that they do this "stuff"(read as crap) without any viable data, public input or real reasons.

Alright Glenn, iffin' you get it together I will ROLL with you to the Gates of Hell to tell them Revinewers a thing or 2!!!

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Reply #21 - 12/16/04 at 17:50:41
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Alls I know and have heard! Is that the state fisheries killed the Banks Lake Largie fishery and now they won't let us the tourney fishermen. We have been trying to help the Banks lake largies and now we can't weigh them in. It's all a bunch of Bull. And to think. That their still going to have the junior classic during the jamboree. 172 plus boats out their. Now with no Largies allowed to be caught. How many good smallie spots are their on banks. I see a big dispute starting from. No way to get away. I mean if your catching a big bag of fish in the jamboree. Cahnces are that a different club's member will see you and take over your spot the next day. Where the team stratagie their. Plus once again I believe from reasearch. That by introducing Smallies to Banks. They killed the largie fishery. They used to bring in 5 pounders regulary. Now it's a miracle. I mean a fishery as good as what I heard banks was. Doesn't just die in a short time. It's these fisheries biologists that think they know what their talking about fault. They They have no common sense. Just like the Wild Salmon issue out in the ocean. Chris I really can't see how theirs a big difference between wild salmon and hatchery since most of the wild salmon now days have bred with hatchery fish. Chris this is no true direction towards you. I just want to know where the common sense at. I know you have it. I also know you probably don't understand this idea either. Darn tree huggers. I hate them. I tired of hearing how their saving the animals when alls their usually doing is hurting them more they are help. Like in Wyoming their huge elk and deer heards are dying fast. Because the sieera club had to reintroduce the Grizzlies and wolfs back to the areas. I'm not making this up about Wyoming either. My uncle lives their. I'm sorry. But I had to get this off my chest.

P.S. Chris none of this is amained at you. Your a great guy and maybe you can show the people that obviously have no clue what there doing the truth.

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Reply #22 - 12/16/04 at 19:56:02
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I don't take any offense when people talk about biologists. Fish management is a sensitive issue to people who love the sport and it brings out a lot of emotion. It comes with the territory.

I would like to clear one thing up, though. Some will disagree, but we should remember that the people making this rule are not out to hurt bass anglers. In fact, I have heard that this was agreed upon by federation clubs and TD's at the conflict resolution meeting. I don't know if that is actually true or not. From Larry's post it sounds like it may not be true.

This should be looked at as something meant to improve our fisheries, but I think it was poorly thought out. I do not think the state has data or stated objectives to back this move up.

I am going to start working on a letter to the warmwater program. I want it to be a good one, so I may co-author it with a few other folks. Once it's done I'll post it here and ask who is interested in signing it. Until then, I think we should all send our thoughts to the program via email, but keeping it civil is always the best method. WDFW biologists are not conspirators out to ruin our fishing, they are doing the best job they can. Let's change their mind with well-thought out letters and common sense ideas.

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Reply #23 - 12/16/04 at 21:06:58
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Chris is a voice of reason.  BUT, there is nothing wrong with stating your position with passion AND disappointment.  The squeky wheel gets the grease!!  The best research available in my job is always the end user.  Similar to our bass fishing, we as anglers could provide them with the valuable tools they need when making their decisions.  Ask yourself if you participated in WDFW efforts with the fishing logs that they provided in the past.  I did and enjoyed helping out how I could.  I would be happy to sign a letter in partnership with the club. 

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Reply #24 - 12/20/04 at 01:19:41
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[pre][/pre]If some of you recall at the October meeting I asked about representing the club on the Inland Fisheries Advisory Board.  Topics such as this one will be talked about at the next meeting in February.  I have not heard yet from Bob Gibbons.  Application is still in review. Hopefully Western Bass Club will have representation at the meetings.  The state does have a warm water hatchery, for perch cropee wallaye and oh yes Tiger Musky.   Grin I will have the numbers soon.
Not much but it is headed in the right direction. 
WBC needs greater participation in our warm water fisheries like the founding fathers of the club. Hopefully many of you will join me in participating in upcoming projects like the enhancement at the potholes reservoir.  All the permits are in place and should be starting this coming spring.
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Reply #25 - 12/20/04 at 01:21:18
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Oh yeah got five
next time you have a photo op on Northwest Cable News don't forget to mention your sponsors
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Reply #26 - 12/21/04 at 04:06:57
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So let me see, We, the tournament anglers that not only catch and release, spend our hard earned money on lanch fees, camping fees, travel exspences,  do whatever it takes to keep the fish alive that we do catch, help create habitat that helps the fish growth and now only to be told that now that only ones that can take advange of it are those who wouldn't think twice about bring home a 7lb'er to eat!! Angry (Am I missing something? ???)
  Both Alex and Bree are excited about this coming jamboree with good cause. If this "rule" doesn't get changed, I don't think I'll  subject my kids to it.
They were allright when they were only able to catch bass, but when your kid pulls in a 3lb+ largemouth and you tell them that they can't keep it because some bone-head changed the rules, they may not be as excited about going out the next day. It's allready hard enough to get your child up and ready at o'dark thirty without them thinking about that they are limited "again" to what they can keep.  Undecided I can't speak for all parents, but my kids like to be able to see the structure their fishing, which is usally largemouth areas.  Hey Chris let me when you get that letter done, Connie and I would like our names on it with the rest.
Brian (The Weedwalker)
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Larry S.
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Reply #27 - 01/14/05 at 19:23:54
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Well....getting the word out is working as I just recieved the new permit for Wallula...(Columbia River-Tri-cities...) and they have rescinded the prior restriction and Largemouth are availiable again............Now for Banks......Hopefully more to come... Grin
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Reply #28 - 01/14/05 at 19:42:28
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Great news Larry!

I'm sure the guys from F&W manning the booth at the Sportsmans Show in Monroe & Puyallup are going to get an earfull also. Embarrassed

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Reply #29 - 01/14/05 at 21:45:07
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Excellent news, Larry (and Nick, who mentioned that, too)!!!

Congratulations to everyone in WBC and other clubs that wrote letters. Like Larry said, NOW FOR BANKS...

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