Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Tournament Ethics (Read 9435 times)
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Tournament Ethics
05/27/04 at 00:58:38
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I am fairly new to the tourney thing and do not know how it all works yet. I would like to ask a question to clarify something. I would hate to say something and have ito out of line or incorrect.

How far should you stay from other anglers during a tournament?

I would say that if a team is fishing a small flat, shore line, reed bed, point, or other obvious structure it is rude and not right to cut in.

The reason I ask is that it happend twice to me this weekend. I kept getting a boat drifting by (as close as 20 yards). They claim that the wind was pushing them and they could not fight it. I will admit that the wind was very strong. After they passed they  would fire up the big motor and head up wind to drift by again. I am not stupid and knew what was going on. I held my ground and kept my boat in one place.

The other time it happend was in strong currnet. I was holding in strong current casting into a wirl pool. A boat came in from gehind me and went in front of me. Then let the current push them down into me. I had to move so they would not hit me. We had to stop fishing and wiat for them to drift out of our target area. They came within feet of us. My wife is a little calmer then I was and she tried to explain that they may not have known that the current was so strong and were caught by suprise. I say BS becasue they continued to fish while they drifted threw our hole. If it truely were a accident they should have stopped fishing till they were clear.

I would like to know how you guys hadle this type of thing. I am not shy and can get very worked up when it comes to people taking advantage of others. This is a very friendly club and I don't think that others intentially do this. I would just like to know what you all think.

There were several people that stayed 200 yards out and never attemted to get near us. Just like we never attempted to get near them. I think that is a respect thing.

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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #1 - 05/27/04 at 01:08:35
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Just read my  first post back and thought of a few things to add. Sorry about the spelling in that one. It's pretty bad.

1. While fishing a river form the bank, a angler that hooks a fish and chases it down stream gets his spot back in line right? I have fished elbow to elbow with lots of guys and if you leave to fight a fish then you should be allowed to return after the fish is landed. So if you are busy trying to cull fish or untangle nets and the wind blows you off structure then you should be able to return, right?

2. If you are close enough to hit the other guys boat with your bait, thats too close right? I would say unless you invite them in to share.

Enough, I think i'm beating a dead horse. I am looking forward to your thoughts. I would hope that most of us are on the same page with this.

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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #2 - 05/27/04 at 01:45:17
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Let me guess - was this the same guy in the grey boat (non-WBC member) on Sunday?  The one with the back-seater wearing a red raincoat?

He did the same thing to Keri and I.  I told him to back off, and he basically told me to kiss his ass.  I was happy to see him get stuck in the rocks, and catch only a few fish as Keri and I nailed fish after fish right in front of him.   Grin

He finally headed off in your direction, Mike, so I think it was the same jerk.
« Last Edit: 05/27/04 at 03:10:26 by Admin »  
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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #3 - 05/27/04 at 02:27:13
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Mike, if you look at the posting form, in the top right corner is an icon that says "modify". You can click on that icon and edit your spelling, add to the post, or remove it, avoiding creating another post, anyway. 

I have had few bad encounters with other bassin' boaters, but did have one with two boats from the Puyallup Hawghunters on Potholes in Sept. '00. I thought they were both a-holes. First, one cut 100' in front of me on Medicare Beach, then his buddy showed up and cut in front of him, made repeated long casts to the beach,  got hung up and went in after it. I wasn't impressed with them. At all.

The best idea I have come up with is to drop all your marker buoys into the area you want to fish, to "mark your territory".  Make it a route that you will trace over and over. Crowd them out of your way. I suspect that some citizens have been PO'd by folks in T's, and these guys were axe grinding...and you and your wife were the recipients.

Somebody's regs, I think Coast Guard, has a rule that you're supposed to stay 100' (or 200'?) from a fishing boat. Doesn't say what kind of fishing boat, as I recall. Typical Tournament Ethics articles say a casting distance away, but that's not a very good measure of distance. Still, it's about the only thing practical. I hope it wasn't any of our WBC members doing this kind of crap. If it was, remember that a lot of them are also new to T's.
C&R, Steve
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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #4 - 05/27/04 at 04:33:23
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Mike, you sound like your were totally in the right.  Since I wasn't there I don't if the tournament rules were read at the driver's meeting but I know that Richard is pretty efficient at that sort of thing.  The rules state the minimum distance that other tournament anglers can get from you.  I have had that sort of thing happen to me before in a tournement and its pretty frustrating.  I get that a lot being in a tin boat and having faster boats blow by and pull in just in front of me.  You can always lodge a formal complaint to the tournament director within the allotted time limit.  Hopefully they didn't pull any of fish off the structure you were fishing.  I have also incidently come around a point to encounter another boat.  Usually I will swing wide and let them continue fishing.  I know the majority of members wouldn't consciously do this kind of thing, so I hope that if it was a WBC member that we address this so it doesn't become a bone of discontent.  Although anytime you have a little money on the line there is always the chance of ultracompetitiveness.  Don't let this leave a bad taste in your mouth.
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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #5 - 05/27/04 at 07:31:16
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I think the minimum distance is 50yds, but I'll have to check it out since there is also a stipulation about "being anchored". If during the Tournament another WBC contest boat did this, you are within your rights to lodge a complaint with me.

I'll do the research and have it all ready by the next meeting.

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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #6 - 05/27/04 at 16:39:33
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Howdy Mike,

Most tournaments have a rule stating what the legal distance is from a fellow competitor. It looks like our interpid TD is on top of that question... One thing to remember though, is that once you let one person inside of that range, everyone else in that area is allowed to break the distance rule as well.

I think it all comes down to communication. If you think the person is violating your space, let them know. If they are in a tournament and tell you to go stick it, then you have a legitimate complaint. If they aren't in a tournament, there isn't much you can do, but I would sure keep an eye out for them in future tournaments!!!

For our club tournaments, I can't think of a time where communication didn't solve the problem.

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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #7 - 05/27/04 at 17:53:44
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GOOD QUESTIONS THERE mIKE, Like Rich just said there are several kinds of rules in tourney fishing and I'm sure we will get all the skinny at the meeting.
   Thats another reason why the board brought up last meeting that there will be a place at every tourney for the boater to sign that will say "THAT I HAVE READ ALL THE TOURNEY RULES AND UNDERSTAND THEM"
  I know that mark and I had a chance to get in front of Terry and Bob by 2000 yards and fish the riprap and fish the water before they cot there. I joked with mark and said lets go fished their water, he didn't understand that I was j/k gave me a durty look and said no that their western bass club I have found that that is pretty much the unwritten rule. take the  jamberee this weekend where other clubs with other weaker ethics can and do you wrong.
   My suggestion.....well go find Terrys' icon when he gets on this be the fish...nuff said! Angry
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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #8 - 05/27/04 at 23:01:09
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Virgil, I'm feeling kinda stupid passing up the spawning flat on the way to the riprap???.  I would have had no problem with you stopping along the riprap.  FYI.  I think where you are concerned and that particular tourney, you could have thrown a bare hook anywhere on the Columbia and got a hugh limit Grin.  As far as this topic is concerned, communication is key.  I've never had a problem with anyone in WBC, but have with other boats.  Maybe because alot of you are my friends...I don't know.  I'm just there having a good time, first and would really like to catch fish, second...please Wink.

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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #9 - 05/28/04 at 00:53:40
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Howdy Mike,

... One thing to remember though, is that once you let one person inside of that range, everyone else in that area is allowed to break the distance rule as well.


Chris, I didn't "allow" this dude to fish my water, he just butted in and wouldn't leave when I asked him to.  Are you saying that at that point I'm powerless to stop anyone else from infringing on my water because he's inside that range?  That doesn't seem right.

Next time I'll fire my flare gun at his gas tank.
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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #10 - 05/28/04 at 02:08:13
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Dang, dude... That wasn't a comment pointed at you.

But, with anyone not in a tournament, we don't have any legal right to tell them where they can and can't fish. It's all a matter of their personal ethic.

I've never been a tournament director for an organization before, but I would say that if there are two boats fishing close to one another, despite if the second person was allowed in by the first, a third person and others could move right in. At least that is the way I interpret rules from past tournaments I've fished outside of the club. So in your case, Glenn, I would think you would have had grounds for a protest and DQ if the person you mentioned was in a tournament.

If I was that third person, would I go in? Probably not...

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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #11 - 05/28/04 at 04:06:08
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So in other words, if a recreational angler moves right in on you, then it's free game for everyone else to move in on you too?

That doesn't seem fair.  Undecided

I didn't take your comment as directed AT me, but I did want clarification.  If your intrepretation of the rules is correct, then us tournament participants are powerless to prevent this from happening.  True, we cannot dictate where recreational anglers can fish, but it doesn't seem right that if they are rude and inconsiderate, it's fair game for everyone else to follow suit.
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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #12 - 05/28/04 at 04:09:54
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I don't like to fish too close to others cause they tend to laff at my Pink BAITS! Tongue Shocked
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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #13 - 05/28/04 at 14:29:51
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Trying to legislate common courtesy is difficult.  Not sure of the answer here, but I know that our fellow club members are very courteous in this regard. 

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Re: Tournament Ethics
Reply #14 - 05/28/04 at 21:27:54
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I hope the incidents Mike has been describing in his previous posts were not WBC members.  Even if they weren't, the issue warrants a closer look.  I agree this issue is extremely hard to legislate-   It's complicated. Especially when you add rivers and current to the mix.  Someday we are going to have a major dispute develop between two WBC members and the outcome will not be pretty one.  

I think what we can do about this issue is develop an open dialog at one of our upcoming meetings and discuss some of the typical scenarios that come up each year at tournaments.   That way, we can have at the very least, a general ethical guideline to follow.  We might even consider writing some of this stuff down so the tournament director can remind all participating tournaments anglers about ethical implications before each tournament.

I thought I'd jot down a few scenarios I see come up every year for discussion purposes.  Add your own if you can think of any----I welcome your responses

1. Someone blatantly or intentionally cuts you off to a "hot" spot-  Eg. Yakima River/Columbia River  

2.  Someone anchors in river current too close to close is too close....10 yards 20 yards 30 yards?   (I anchored next to Jim Ruman and Dave Jarrell in the Columbia Tourney but asked them first if it was OK before I put down the anchor).  

3.  Someone gets a good draw during the second day of a tournament and zips back to another person's "secret" fishing hole where they personally observed that person drilling the fish the day before.

4. Someone who backseated with you during a tournament the previous year is now fishing all your "hot" spots you showed him/her.  Should they have to ask you permission?

I am going to do my best to make sure this issue is somehow incorporated into our "Entertainment" agenda somehow even if it's only for a few minutes to get the prospective from the "big time" tournament angler.

« Last Edit: 05/29/04 at 05:21:03 by »  
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