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Topic Summary - Displaying 15 post(s).
Posted by: jwerner - Ex Member
Posted on: 06/01/08 at 04:50:34
Matt -  Ya it really sucked because this BIG tank did not have lock jaw.  She would nose down etc and was catchable.  In two weeks I will be applying for my CWP and after talking to a couple of officers, will be heading down to the local precinct and filing a complaint.
Posted by: Matt_H - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/30/08 at 21:30:48
That is really sad some people should not be allowed to have kids. Sorry about your big fish that hurts.
Posted by: DUNE HOPPER
Posted on: 05/30/08 at 14:01:26
Some of these stories are good reasons why it is important to have a CWCP and exercise your right to utilize it. Smiley

Smitty Wink
Posted by: Rwfaz - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/30/08 at 04:09:43
Sounds to me like the same dock that Russ mentioned. My first year in the club, he got "attacked" by the water hose during the Team Tourney, and since Doug and I were fishless at that time, he told us about the dock, even warned us about the woman. We needed a fish or two so we went to the dock and fished it, catching enough Largies to win the Team Tourney.

Thanks again Russ, that was my only Tournament trophy, and the funny thing was that she never came anywhere near us or even used the water artillery.......

Posted by: EX-PREZ
Posted on: 05/30/08 at 01:01:32
  Funny thing is, it's probably true if it's coming from Chris!!!!  Uncle Chris, I agree with Glenn, THAT'S FUNNY RIGHT THAR!
Posted by: Admin
Posted on: 05/30/08 at 00:43:26
Grin  Now THAT'S funny!  Grin  You're a better man than most of us Chris.  Smiley
Posted by: sarge - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/30/08 at 00:12:16
I may have run into the same woman that Russ and Dave ran into on Lake Washington. This is one of my prouder fishing moments, 'cause usually I'm a pushover:

I was fishing by myself on the Union Bay dock row in August. It was pretty hot out, so I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I was mainly skipping weightless lures under docks and doing pretty well until I came up to a dock about halfway down the dock row. This dock had a sprinkler mounted on the edge of it, and as I skipped a senko under the dock it turned on and started spraying water at me. I positioned the boat away from the water while my lure was still soaking. I looked up at the house and there was this lady standing in the window waving at me. Apparently, she has a switch that controls the sprinkler from the house. I was thinking to myself, "Wow. Some people are un-f'ing-believable." This was in one of those multi-million dollar Lake Washington homes!!!

As luck would have it, I finally pulled up on my bait and had a fish on! It was about a one pound largemouth, not that big, but good enough to keep me there! I slinked away from the dock, put on my full rain gear, and proceeded to fish her dock for another twenty minutes in the range of the sprinkler. I was cracking up the whole time. I wish I would have had a video of it.

Sorry to hear your story, J. I hope that fish comes back and bites for ya soon!
Posted by: BassAholic
Posted on: 05/29/08 at 17:12:54
WOW I have never had a bad experience like that.Guess I need to fish more if that is possible  Grin One time a lady did yell from her house for me not to get so close to her dock & I just said you cant own the water. She responded how would you like it if I fished close to your dock & I said no problem I would come out & offer you some candy because you need to sweeten up.
I think we need to have a fish in at this lake & put about 15 boats all at once at this guys dock.
Posted by: The_Rev. - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/29/08 at 04:37:10
I was night fishing on Lake Washington, when a huge splash occured next to my boat.  A fish I wondered?  When another splash occured in the same area I started to look around and discovered a guy three boat docks down was throwing rocks at me.  When I asked him what the heck he was doing, he declared that I was a "peeping tom" and was looking in the windows of peoples homes!  When I told him I was night fishing he laughed and proclaimed that "fish can't be caught at night!  Everyone knows that!"  When I told him he was wrong, and that I had been night fishing this lake for years - he called me a lier and a pervert.  As he reached for another rock, I quickly and firmly informed him that my electric trolling motor could get me to his dock in seconds and that he couldn't get to his back door before I would be on him - so he decided not to throw it.  (The bluff worked) 

He then told me he wasn't going to go in until I I left.  I told him that was fine, I was going to be here until 2 or 3 in the morning and if he wanted to watch me all night that was his right.  (Fact was, I had been just about ready to leave, but after being challenged my pride decided to stay.)  What really made the evening though was when I hooked a huge squaw fish only moments later.  The moon was out and as I held the huge fish up I chuckled out loud, "You know, there some uninformed people who think you can't catch fish at night.  Imagine that."  He melted back into the shadows and slipped back into his house.  Enough said.  It was the only time I was glad to catch a squaw fish.
Posted by: Tnbasmstr - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/29/08 at 02:51:56
It's just plain sad we have to put up with all of these arses!!!!!!!!!I can say that the only time I had someone threaten me, I called 911, reported that my life was threatened for fishing on a public waterway, the police responded and arrested the arse.......Now that was FUNNNYYYYY......The guy cussed the cops for arresting him and I gave my verbal statement from the front deck of my boat, rod in hand and later completed the report (the next day).  The gentleman was prosecuted in WASHINGTON State for commicating a threat to injure.  Now, I wasn't afraid of the guy, because I always PACK.  But the idiot just had to own water that wasn't his, thought because he was wealthy he could get away with it and I'd leave.  Well, he now knows, I WON'T leave, he is a little less wealthy in the pocket, and he doesn't own LAKE Washington afterall.


Chuck Pigue Grin Grin
Posted by: Joel_Booth
Posted on: 05/29/08 at 01:16:27

I definately don't have a fishing story that bad, might have an elk hunting story that would compete with yours, but thats for a different forum. 

Anyways a couple of summers ago me and doug were out night fishing silver lake around the island.  We had our lights on so nobody ran into us and out of the blue some old lady that had obviously had a little too much 'sauce' fires up her motor and comes blaring across the lake right at us in a big ole pontoon boat.  After one of the finest boat dockings I ever seen, she proceeded to freak on us.  You know how it goes we were trespassing, and stealing, and destroying property.  Well anyway we just keep fishing and she hears one of our spinnerbaits go kaplunk in the water and the lady just comes unglued.  After freaking out about us "throwing stuff at her"  she proceeds to make a fake phone call to the police, and the situation starts to become comical.  Basically we called her on it and she said okay I'm really going to call them know.  I respond with "If you really do get ahold of police they're going to laugh at you."  The response we got back was priceless "No they wont.........because......because........I too am a police officer."  I was laying in the bottom of the boat rolling with laughter.  We responded that we were sorry and obviously didn't know who we were messing with.   Grin Grin Grin
Posted by: basspro - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/28/08 at 23:31:23
I had another incident several years ago on a lake where this homeowner came out with a gun and threatened me to leave. So i pulled my .357 Magnum out and said now we could be civil about this or we can just shoot each other right now and where would that get us. The home owner decided it wasn't worth getting killed over it or thrown in jail for.

Yup I think we have all had golf balls, sticks,wood, rocks and whatever a homeowner can find to throw our direction and experience the verbal tiraids that these morons use. Its sad that when you finally get the time off to go fish you get some moron that ruins your day.

Its a funny world out thar,

Posted by: trackerpt175 - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/28/08 at 23:17:36
i had a guy on clear lake near eatonville give me a tounge lashing for fishing a bed near his dock  blah blah breaking the law blah blah.  i was nieve to this fact so after digging up some info on my rights as a fisherman i returned a few days later to return the favor.  needless to say he hasnt hassled me since.  really though that sucks jon  Sad


Posted by: Chris B.
Posted on: 05/28/08 at 22:59:49
Man that must have been the worst feeling ever, seeing that fish slip away because of a total arsehole.
Posted by: jwerner - Ex Member
Posted on: 05/28/08 at 22:55:47

    Do, he did not seem like a fisherman at all.  Complete arse from the beginning.  I do not think he was even aware of the bed.  He trimmed the motor up, so crap would realy be sent flying.  It's one thing to meet a jerk on the water, it's another to meet one when your PB is there in front of you!