Know Thy Enemy (cont)
By Jeremiah T. Bagwell

(Continued from page 1)

lightest line possible without jeopardizing your ability to effectively handle a fighting bass. FLW and Bassmaster Touring Pro David Lefebre, refers to this approach as "Minimizing Hardware". "I don't care what anyone says, when fish are extremely pressured and turned off, downsizing everything from your line size, hooks, snaps, and even split rings can make a difference," Lefebre explains.
Casting accuracy is something that receives little attention from most non-professional anglers. It is extremely vital to be able to drop your bait perfectly in the strike zone. During tough conditions, the strike zone is typically very small. Bass are not always willing to chase down a bait, but they will hit a lure if it's right in their face. Casting is

something that should be practiced on a regular basis. Major league pitchers still go to baseball practice everyday, so why would anyone assume that their casting accuracy couldn't be improved upon?
The single most important factor to being able to successfully catch bass is not your lure, your equipment, or a top secret miracle scent. It is your pure confidence in your abilities. If an angler doesn't believe that he or she is capable of catching fish, chances are good that they won't. Confidence is more than just going out and telling everyone that you are going to catch an eight pound bass. It is more psychological than anything. You can say whatever you want but your brain knows the truth. To be effective, you have to believe with all of your heart that you are going to go out

and catch quality fish. Illinois tournament angler Chris DeVries employs his own "go to" method. "Whenever facing a tough bite, I always go to my bait of confidence, a Texas rigged 7 ½-inch Red Shad worm. This forces me to slow down, think about the conditions and allows me to evaluate the way the fish are biting", Chris explains.
The next time you find yourself in a hard fought battle with uncooperative bass or high pressure fishing situations, take a break, and clear your mind. Analyze the entire situation including all of the aspects previously mentioned. You have the knowledge and ability to catch these bass but you may need to search for it within yourself.

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