President's Line (Continued)

(Continued from page 3)

pole - and you want to marry my girl?

How can a man who doesn't know when to use a G-lock worming hook or a split-shot rig ever be able to provide for my precious baby?  You can't even… dare I say it?  You can't even drive a boat!!! What in the world would make you think your family's non-fishing DNA should be mixed with ours!!!"

Oh no!  Did you hear what came out of our mouths - we said yes. We're shaking hands and hugging and welcoming him into the family.  What's wrong with me!  Why didn't I stand up and say what was on my mind! Why didn't I share my greatest fears.  I should have at least expressed a religious need for him to attend some bass fishing seminars before they get married!

Is this the end of a long family heritage of bass anglers?  What will happen if they… dear God, what will happen if they should have children!  I can just see it now - my daughter holding my first grandchild and saying, "Dad, we've decided to let our children grow up and pick their own sport."  Sacrilege!

Even if they should stumble into fishing, what if they became fanatical trout fishermen!  Oh my aching heart - can I bear the strain!

Wait a minute!  Genetics isn't everything!  The learning environment has a great impact on a child's development too.  That's it!  I'LL BE THE CHILD'S FISHING INSTRUCTOR!  Subtly, of course!  Why can't a baby's musical mobile above it's crib be made of Rapala crankbaits? (Without the hooks of course.)  Just because a one year old can't use a flipping rod doesn't mean it can't hang on the wall besides it's bed!  Instead of babysitting at home, what rule says it can't happen on the boat! And by the time they're out of college, I'll be retired and can drive my grandchild in my RV and bass rig to all the BASS tournaments around the country!

Yeh, that's it… just because the fishing gene may skip a generation, doesn't mean all is loss!  Thank you God for restoring my hope!  We WBC members shall overcome!  Fishing victory will once again be restored to bass angler's family line.  "Welcome into the family young man!  Just one question; how many fisher… I mean, how many children are you two planning to have?  And how soon?"

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