There's no paid staff. Every person in the club is busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest, and yet… somehow an organization manages to run monthly meetings, tournaments, sportsman shows, service projects, and yearly award dinners.
    Just as there are several
different theories out there as to why a spinnerbait or sinko works, I have one for why WBC works too. It isn't the only one, but from where I sit, fishermen are people of hope.  (One pastor friend told me the only way you would know that the world is about to end is to look out and see no fishermen on the lakes - thereby displaying a world without hope.)  But people who fish, (though guaranteed nothing when they step into the boat), are always filled with hope! Hope is what gives people incentive to try and make the world a better place. People with hope have a need for growing relationships - even those centered around a fish! And people with hope volunteer time, talent, and treasures that the world says they don't have, to make things better for other anglers.
WBC works because of amazing volunteers who pour themselves out for those in their club. They like to make

a difference even when there is little recognition, and few rewards. We have certainly been blessed with a board this year that has done a fantastic job! We have other volunteers who have put together one of the best Bass Club websites in the country. We have volunteers who enrich the lives of children at Cast for Kid events, and who man the club's booth at the sportsmen's shows
    We have volunteers who make and serve the
coffee, sell tickets for fund raisers, and provide prizes for the monthly raffle. We have volunteers that share knowledge with the club as speakers or through articles. Volunteers man the barbeque during the fish-ins, and welcome visitors at the meetings. Considering our "extreme differences" and busy schedules, it shouldn't work - but it does!

Next month I will be asking the board
"Who will be coming back next year?"  I already know that Sherry, our Newsletter Editor, (who has done a great job this year!) is taking the year off to have a baby in February. After completing the "list of openings" - the board plans to approach some of you

(Continued on page 4)

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